Friday, February 15, 2008

Missing Link in design: Indi Young's "Mental Models" book

Want to get your strategy and design right? Here's a must read: "Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior" by Indi Young. I just bought the book yesterday (you get a PDF too if you buy it through the link above). Although I have not yet read it, I did see a presentation by Indi Young of the Mental Model process at Adaptive Path's UXWEEK2008 conference in Washington D.C. last summer, and have been eagerly awaiting this book. The presentation clearly explained the methodology for understanding user needs, motivations, and behaviors to inform strategy and design. Great tool for designers, user experience specialists, and managers. Don't start another project without reading this book first.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A new way to look at Christian Science

Christian Science on the web just got a whole lot more accessible, usable, colorful and moving (in the sense of video). The new site features videos of Christian Scientists telling what Christian Science means to them and examples of how it has brought healing. There are also FAQs, core beliefs, tons of articles, and a discussion area. If you've ever wondered what Christian Science is all about or have something to share about it, this is the place to go.